Who We Are
Children's Fellowship of India is comprised of many hard-working individuals in both India and the United States.
Our staff in India is composed of teachers, kitchen workers, custodians, dorm parents, ministers, and many more who play the role of the hands and feet for CFI. These are the people who care for the children brought to CFI in need of food, clothing, shelter, education, and real love. These are the people that make it happen.
In the States, we have a board of directors that handles the overarching operations of CFI. They seek to create a vision for CFI that will promote continual growth for the life of the organization. The goal of CFI is to be a shining example of Jesus' love to the lost and needy boys of India. In the USA, we seek to garner support for this organization through donations and fundraising. Being one of the wealthiest nations in the world, we are blessed with the opportunity to give back to the needy like no other.
USA Board of Directors
Philip Dongre
Executive Director
Bobby Rando
John E. Thomas
Janet Long
Additional Board Members
Jessica Dongre
Stephen Hokuf
Bruce Lebrun
Michael Palmer