Long Time Supporter…First Time Visitor
Pastor John St. Pierre visits CFI and learns that his church’s trust in the organization is well-founded.

2024 CFI Conference RECAP
The Conference is over, but God is still working! Thanks for another year of support from all the boys, staff, and board members of CFI!

From a Pastor’s Perspective
Pastor Stephen Hokuf gives his account of his trip to India from the perspective of a pastor and CFI American Board Member.

CFI cares so much for those in its care. Thank you for the kind donations that make it possible. Here is a call to action from our executive director, Philip Dongre

A Group Experience
Enjoy Jessica’s journey to India with her church group!

Blessed to Be Back
Hear Schylie talk about her second visit to CFI!

Feels Just Like Home
Experience Deboah’ 4th time visiting CFI!

A Place of Peace
First-time visitor, Betsy Boyce, tells of her experience visiting CFI in February of 2024.

A Recap: 2023 18th Annual CFI Conference
Thanks to everyone that came to support CFI at our 18th annual conference. We had a lovely time with you all.

A Recap: 2022 17th Annual CFI Conference
Thanks to everyone that came to our 2022 conference! It’s always a blessing to celebrate the growth of CFI with our friends and family. We hope you enjoy this little recap of this year’s conference.